80 hours of donated time

Swiss NGOs, non-profit organizations or public authorities can apply with project submissions for 80 hours of donated work time from the Faktor Vier agency.


After last year's competition, Faktor Vier would like to donate time again this year. Last year, the Swiss Air Rescue Rega won 80 hours of work time.

Unlike other competitions, the participants in the Faktor Vier competition do not win anything material. Not a car, not a T-shirt, and not even money - no, "only" time. Nor is the word "wins" probably the right one for it. "We call it a gift - a gift in the form of time. Just what an NGO needs," reads a statement from the agency.

This competition is about two things: On the one hand, Faktor Vier wants to win a new customer from the non-profit sector, and on the other hand, an NGO wins a discount of two weeks' work in return - a win-win for both sides.

Project proposals can be submitted by non-profit organizations, institutions or authorities based in Switzerland until December 20. The jury will then evaluate all applications and select the winner. The scope of the project may also exceed the 80 hours - in this case the 80 hours will be deducted at the end. Only one can win. Where? Here.


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