Jim & Jim: cinema spot for TCS

Der Cooldown Club, die TCS-Pannenhilfe für Jugendliche, bietet seinen Mitgliedern Vergünstigungen bei der Zwei-Phasen-Ausbildung. Um dieses Angebot bei den relevanten Zielgruppen bekannt zu machen, hat Jim & Jim einen Kino-Spots kreiert.

The agency, which specializes in youth and student marketing, staged the advantages of the TCS Cooldown Club on the basis of the notorious monetary bottlenecks of young drivers: The spot shows a young man doing unconventional jobs and thus illustrates that it is also possible to afford the two-phase training without doing boring and "stupid" jobs. The cinema spot can currently be seen in cinemas in various major Swiss cities.

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Spot short:


Responsible at TCS: Kathrin Spatzier (responsible for Cooldown Club), Stefanie Thueler (project management/responsible for 2-phases). Responsible at Jim & Jim: Fabio Emch (overall management), Tobias Bonfanti (production management/concept). Responsible at Hillton: Tobias Bonfanti (director/editor), Kris Lüdi (director/editor), Pierre Castillo Bernad (cinematographer), Jan Wittrowski (lighting), Jingle Jungle (sound design).

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