Jim & Jim: Youth marketing gains in importance

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Marktforschungsinstitut Demoscope hat die auf Jugend- und Studentenmarketing spezialisierte Agentur Jim & Jim das Freizeit- und Konsumverhalten Deutschschweizer Jugendlicher und Studierender untersucht. Knapp 2‘000 junge Leute zwischen 14 und 25 Jahren wurden befragt.

More and more marketers are increasingly focusing their efforts on young people and students. This is due on the one hand to their high purchasing power and on the other hand to their direct influence on the wider family members, according to the agency. Furthermore, it said it knows that most trends are set by young people and subsequently adapted by other demographic groups. Also, most people choose certain brands at a young age and then remain loyal to them throughout their lives.

As lucrative as the target group of young people is, it is difficult to win them over. This is not only due to the highly fragmented media landscape, but also to their talent for quickly picking up on pure marketing messages and then rejecting them because they seem too promotional and untrustworthy, the agency continues. Young people see themselves exposed daily to an almost infinite offer at products and services. But how do they decide what they ultimately consume? According to this study, differences in consumer behavior can be observed, especially between women and men:

- Women are much more likely than men to be lured by special offers and discounts and to be influenced by recommendations from friends.

- Men tend to buy only what they like or when they really need something.

- Income plays a subordinate role in purchasing decisions for both women and men. A certain standard is obligatory for both, and brand loyalty and image are an important factor.

- Women spend their money most often on clothes and books. Men prefer to buy electronic devices and other gadgets.

- Women take advantage of in-store advice primarily for more technically sophisticated products, while men do so when buying clothes.

- Before they buy something new, young people mainly obtain information from the website of the provider in question. Offline, recommendations from friends carry the most weight.

Leisure behavior
The range of leisure activities for teenagers and young adults is enormous. It's no wonder that companies are scrambling to attract the young, outgoing and consumer-minded public. But what do young people in Switzerland effectively do in their free time and how do they decide on a bar, restaurant or fitness center?

- When they are not online, three out of four young people make it up to their friends which club or bar they frequent.

- 40 percent of respondents still obtain information about the exit via flyers and posters.

- Online, Facebook has by far the greatest influence on going out. This is not surprising, since 90 percent of all young people in German-speaking Switzerland are registered on Facebook and more than half own a smartphone.

- According to the study, men prefer to spend their free time in bars, fitness centers or on skiing vacations. Women prefer to go to the movies or spend their money on city trips.

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