The uncertainty remains

European advertising clients and media agencies express their views on online advertising

European advertising clients and media agencies express their views on online advertisingBy Thomas BrenzikoferA European study of advertising clients and agencies shows that online advertising has great potential. However, a great deal of education is still required before it has secured a permanent place in the media mix. The clickthrough rate is apparently less decisive for online advertisers.
There is no hangover in online advertising after the web hype: This is the conclusion of the Online@-trend Europe study by Infratest Burke Incom, Munich. It was commissioned by the German online advertising marketer Adlink. It is based on a survey of 130 advertising clients and 130 media agencies in Sweden (40), Germany (60), the UK (60), France (60) and Spain (40).
65% of clients and 83% of agencies are of the opinion that online advertising will grow strongly. However, online advertising will not be established tomorrow, but only in five years according to clients, and only in four years according to agencies. This assessment is also supported by the fact that over 50 percent of both agencies and clients do not know exactly how to embed online advertising in the media context.
Only one trend seems to be emerging, at least among the agencies. Due to the speed of the medium and the target group affinity with younger user groups, online advertising is still most likely to be associated with radio and cinema. However, around a third of respondents also mentioned the similarity to print advertising. Television plays a smaller role. This is all the more surprising given that many user studies to date have shown that television consumption decreases as internet consumption increases.
The number of clicks plays
not such a big role
On the other hand, there is a consensus on the effectiveness of online advertising. Almost 100 percent of respondents are convinced that online advertising increases website traffic. However, the majority of clients, but also almost half of the agencies, do not even know the average click-through rate of an online campaign.
Accordingly, only just under half of clients and even less than half of agencies use the pay-per-click ratio as a decision criterion for booking a website. For most, the reach and visits as well as the price per thousand contacts are the deciding factors.
Almost 100 percent of agencies state that clients rarely reject online advertising when it is recommended as an advertising measure. The majority of agencies have also already drawn up a media plan, but have not yet received the green light from the client to implement it. The study therefore concludes that many online budgets are still in a state of limbo.
The reason for this is that clients lack the most important research data, for example on target group reach. Market-accepted planning and analysis systems are also missing. At the same time, the study assumes that online advertising budgets would increase by leaps and bounds if the necessary prerequisites for decision-making were in place.
The situation is different for agencies. There, significantly fewer than
50 percent say that they lack the necessary analysis tools. The study identifies this as a deficit in the transfer of know-how from agency to client and concludes that online advertising will only find its permanent place in the online advertising mix once the uncertainty has been overcome where final decisions on media investments are made.
The effectiveness of online advertising has been recognized by agencies and clients. Nevertheless, most of them are still in the pioneering phase and consider online media to be a field of experimentation.

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