"Dieselgate" leaves reputation of car brands in Switzerland cold

A brand analysis by Media Focus shows: The diesel affair suggests less damage to the reputation of the car brands concerned than had been assumed.


If we group together the presence of Audi, VW, Mercedes, BMW and Opel as examples, this results in almost 50 percent brand visibility on social media, forums and online news. The French and Japanese manufacturers, on the other hand, buy more than 75 percent of their brand presence through advertising channels.


Despite "Dieselgate," a study of the combined advertising and media presence of a total of 20 car brands in Switzerland shows unexciting values. The media presence refers to online media. Brand perception and tonality across different manufacturing countries shows hardly any differences. Even the relevant values for the VW brand appear to be just as unobjectionable in relation as for other brands.


The data come from the Brand Visibility Analysis from Media Focus. "Total Brand Visibility" links brand presence data from advertising, media coverage and consumer experience. The integral visibility of a brand is always placed in relation to the competition.

Header photo: Pixabay

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