IST launches video campaign for tourism course

Die IST – Höhere Fachschule für Tourismus & Outdoor in Zürich bietet im Rahmen ihres Nachdiplomstudiengangs «NDS HF Tourismusmanagement» neu Modulkurse für Fachkräfte im Tourismus an.Studierende werben in Videos gleich selbst für ihre Ausbildung.

"Outdoor Management, Sustainability & DigitalTourism to go", "Mobility & Quality Management" or "Intrapreneurship & Business Development" - these are the multi-layered modules of the NDS HF Tourism Management at the IST in Zurich. The eight modules, which are spread over two semesters, are now also explicitly offered individually. 

"This flexibility is not only required today, it also makes sense for anyone who only wants to become fit in certain areas - for example, in megatrend topics such as sustainability, mobility or digitalization," explains Nicole Diermeier, initiator and head of the NDS program. "The shortage of skilled workers in tourism is one of the greatest challenges of our time, and employee development and the promotion of young talent should be at the center of company management more than ever."

In entertaining videos, the students themselves now promote the NDS and talk about their motivation and what they have already been able to take away in terms of knowledge and experience.

From ski instructor to restaurateur

The professional backgrounds and motivations of the current students are varied. The head of a ski school from Zermatt is among them, as is a caterer and manager of an organic farming business, a ski & bike guide who is planning a promotion to middle management or self-employment, and a Swiss tourism expert who most recently managed a large tour operator with 500 employees in Central America. 

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