House of Communication: "Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit" at the Oktoberfest

For the third time, the four agencies of the Swiss Serviceplan Group hosted an Oktoberfest at the Haus der Kommunikation. Under the motto "Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit" ("Cheers to the good times"), more than 300 invited guests and employees were invited to "O'zapft is!

This year, the Haus der Kommunikation was once again transformed into a traditional Munich beer tent: on October 23, agency clients and employees celebrated Oktoberfest together in dirndls and lederhosen. The Oktoberfest symbolizes the descent from the Bavarian parent company in Munich and has already become a tradition for the owner-managed Swiss agency group.


This year's motto is "Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit" and stood for what the Oktoberfest should be for all guests: a nice get-together. With a boisterous mood, brass band music, Weisswurst and pretzels, over 300 guests enjoyed the evening together.


The traditional Bavarian festival in Zurich Hottingen is intended to thank customers and the trust they place in the integrated agency concept, which is unique in Switzerland. Serviceplan Group Switzerland is part of the international Serviceplan network. The agency model in this country is based on the pillars of advertising, public relations, digital, publishing and media and combines all disciplines under one roof in the heart of Zurich.



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