More than just a name change

Since the beginning of January 2013, the former KSB is now called KSP. Or rather, officially KSP Krieg Schlupp Partner Werbeagentur AG.

WW: What does KSP's new orientation mean: "Advertising and Sustainability"?
Daniel Krieg: KSP was, is and remains an advertising agency. In the modern sense of 360 degrees. That's what "advertising" stands for. KSP distinguishes and differentiates itself with its profound expertise in the field of sustainability and the communication of sustainability. That's what "and sustainability" stands for. Because in order to avoid boredom, greenwashing or, much worse, unintentional greenwashing on this topic, you simply need more knowledge than on "normal" topics. On the other hand, whether you communicate sustainability defensively or offensively, whether in sub-ranges or as a brand component or even as a central brand driver, you have to know exactly where there are purchase drivers and where there are purchase inhibitors, what is relevant to the imagination or not, to what extent there is a willingness to increase the number of customers, to what extent there are actual or emotional benefits. In addition, you have to know how to deal with all stakeholders on this sensitive issue. All of our existing clients appreciate the fact that KSP has a deep understanding of all of this. And they appreciate even more that we will continue to lead the way in sustainability in the future.

Is this new positioning one reason why Christoph Bürge left the agency?
Yes, that is the reason.

Are there any jobs that KSP wants to turn down in the future?
The orders that we would have to turn down no longer come in at all, because we take a clear stand with "advertising and sustainability". We will never advertise nuclear power. In return, we get a lot of new inquiries, precisely because of our special expertise. But I don't want to get more specific at this point. And yes, in all the contacts we have with customers and potential customers, sustainability is always a high-priority issue. Not the only one, mind you, but an important one. For me personally, it's the topic of the future in general. Out of inner conviction, but also out of business foresight. Since the realignment, I see the future of our agency as green again in every respect. We have a head start of several years on our differentiation topic of sustainability.


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