Special Ads launches new form of advertising

Stefan Halter and Mehmet Inan from Special Ads, a new division of IP Multimedia, claim to have localized "the sexiest place on air".

Stefan Halter and Mehmet Inan from Special Ads, a new division of IP Multimedia, claim to have localized "the sexiest place on air": the new form of advertising is a commercial break that is broadcast between the end of the program and the commercial break. In this way, the bridge between the broadcast program and advertising becomes a smooth transition, with jingle and advertising merging. "Whoever advertises with the divider picks up the customer before anyone else," explains Special Ads Director Inan. "And nobody else can offer this platform apart from us," explains Special Ads Manager Stefan Halter. Sunrise has already made use of its offer and is going on air this week with 60 advertising bumpers.IPM's Special Ads department has only been in existence for three months and only offers special forms of advertising. Specifically, these are currently the advertising bumpers, special sponsorship and longspot modules. "Our goal is to establish ourselves in the market with these three focal points by the end of the year," says Halter. Later on, advertising formats from Germany will also be integrated during broadcasts (ko).

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