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AY&R designs an international presence for the reinsurer Swiss Re

AY&R designs an international image for reinsurer Swiss ReThe Zurich agency Advico Young & Rubicam (AY&R) spent around two years designing a global image campaign for the Swiss reinsurer Swiss Re. Since mid-May, the advertising campaign, which initially consists of three subjects, has been running in Europe, the USA, South America, Asia and Australia. According to the agency, this unusually long development period by Swiss standards is due to a discussion that was held with the managers of the Swiss Re divisions in the markets mentioned so as not to violate national ethical conditions in which the campaign appears.
"Although the whole process took over two years, it was nice to have so much time for a concept for once," says Christian Baertschi, consultant at AY&R.
The new image is also intended to position Swiss Re among its 9,000 employees as a company that provides unconventional solutions in capital and risk management through creative thinking. This is to be achieved with the claim "Solutions beyond the obvious", which is used to explain a motif showing several skyscrapers bending in a stormy wind. Ernst Weber

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