Your Phone vs. iPhone

Apple has continued an old campaign. Whether this makes the iPhone more superior is another question.


Nothing against the iPhone. It is - in the case of the iPhone X - outrageously overpowered. And quite OK in other respects as well. But the differences have not been as big as they were in the model campaign for a long time now. If at all.

From 2006 to 2009, Apple spoke from the heart of most Mac owners with its "Get a Mac" campaign. The cool Mac stood up to the staid PC - and it was right. If you have 40 minutes to spare, you can watch all the spots in a row here:

Apple came up with a similar concept for the iPhone ten years later. A direct comparison of the competitors. And with the emphasis: Apple's product is "wow", the competition is "wow". With the small difference that the competition is no longer quite so inferior and is often more popular with young people, for example.

Apple launched the "Your Phone/iPhone" campaign in May 2017 and is now continuing it. With four new commercials. At least as far as security is concerned, Apple products with their closed systems are still clearly ahead today. (hae)

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