Kind regards is on duty for the Stapo Winterthur

In order to support the Stapo Winterthur in recruiting new employees, Freundliche Grüsse has created a target-oriented campaign.

Freundliche Grüsse

The Winterthur Municipal Police has Recruitment of new employees enlisted the help of the Zurich agency. This year, too, the aim is to achieve the minimum level of the corps.

However, the search for suitable candidates who would like to train for the police profession has proven treacherous in the past. The requirements are high. Applicants often lack the necessary German language skills, the ability to communicate properly, a stable personality or the required athletic ability.

Based on these and other criteria, a campaign with trenchant headlines was developed to communicate the different requirements for future police officers in a charming way.

Since Monday, the subjects can be seen in the greater Winterthur area on classic billboards, on e-panels and on bus trailers as well as car stickers of the police fleet. In addition, the campaign is being played out online on all social channels with animations and social ads.

Responsible at Winterthur City Police: Michael Wirz (overall responsibility), Sarah Paul (project management). Responsible at Friendly regards: Pascal Deville, Samuel Textor, Marion Schwager (overall responsibility), Christian Stüdi, Norihito Iida (creative direction), Laura Leuenberger (graphics), Sarah Winker (consulting).

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