Trump's thoughts, explained on a double-page spread in FAZ.

Der Schweizer Verlag Kein & Aber sorgt neun Jahre nach der Sex-Anzeige erneut für Aufsehen. Diesmal bewirbt er die 50 Erfolgsmodelle mit der aktuellen Gedankenwelt von Donald Trump.


Back in 2008, Walker caused a stir with a double-page advertisement in the FAZ on behalf of Kein & Aber ( reported). The double-page ad gave tips in the form of a brainstorming graphic on what is okay to say during sex and what is better left alone.

Now the agency has returned with the same design for the same client in the same medium. This time it's about Donald Trump. You see, the US president believes he has a plan. A plan that will finally make the world love him. All he has to do now is make the right decisions. A piece of cake - he believes. Thank God for him (and the rest of the world), there's "50 Models of Success - The Little Handbook for Strategic Decisions". The practical book helps to take the right path even in challenging situations and to avoid annoying mistakes with regrettable consequences. The sensational ad featuring Trump's world of thought has already appeared as a double-page spread in the FAZ, followed by a Twitter flurry.


The whole ad can be downloaded as PDF here:

or via

Responsible at Kein & Aber: Peter Haag (publisher), Mikael Krogerus, Roman Tschäppeler (authors). Responsible at Walker: Cornelia Nünlist, Stefanie Huber, Catherine Elf, Delia Guerriero, Dan Pieracci, Pius Walker.

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