Swiss Post is looking for its biggest fan

As of now, the search is on again. For once, not the superstar, but the biggest fan. Once he's found, he'll make a big splash: as a giant poster on a 12-tonne Swiss Post truck.

But the portrait of a fan is also depicted on postbuses, Postomats and 15'000 letter inserts. Swiss Post has made the search for the fan the theme of its campaign. The campaign was developed in collaboration with SMLY, an agency for social media and branded content.

The heart of the Campaign is a personalized film. In it, the user experiences what it could mean to be the biggest fan of the Post. If you want to take part, all you have to do is register at the end of the film. Swiss Post keeps its promise and implements what is shown in the film: The portrait image of the eventual winner will be printed in large letters on a Swiss Post truck and will travel throughout Switzerland for half a year.

From all applicants, 50 finalists will be selected and their portrait photos will be distributed on over 15,000 letter drops across the country. Using the smartphone app "Scan a Fan," anyone who wants to play can check in at the letter drops and collect points for the fan pictured on it. Whoever manages to mobilize friends and fellow players throughout Switzerland will become Swiss Post's biggest fan. In addition to the winner, the portraits of the seven fans with the most points will appear on two more trucks, three Postbuses and on the displays of all Postomats.


"By combining online and offline elements in the campaign, Swiss Post illustrates its role as a bridge builder between the digital and physical worlds," says Roland Schwarz, project manager for marketing communications at Swiss Post. In addition, Swiss Post is once again putting customers at the center of the search for the biggest fan: "On over 15,000 letter drops throughout the country, real customers are depicted who say of themselves: I am a fan of Swiss Post! Is there a more credible testimonial?" says Marc Leuzinger, owner of the SMLY agency.

Responsible at the post office: Roland Schwarz (Project Manager Marketing Communications), Sarah Nünlist (Head of Online Editorial and Social Media) Michael Eberle (Head of Brand Management and Advertising). Responsible at SMLY: Marc Leuzinger (overall responsibility/creation), Güvener Gokce (digital production), Hendrik Bonow (art direction), Tom Zürcher (text). Responsible at Chocolate Films: Michela Trümpi (Producer), Marcel Langenegger (Director), Filip Zumbrunn (Camera) Great Garbo (Music), Cloudscape (Post-production).

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