Comqed Dialog: Moved to switch for Sunrise

Comqed Dialog has realized a B2C mailing for Sunrise. This is intended to persuade recipients to switch.

"Is that true? Are you really still paying too much?" the recipient of the mailing is asked. It is thereby listed in the headline of a newspaper article by name as a victim of too expensive telecommunications contracts. And this newspaper article has been seen by an acquaintance, copied and provided to the recipient with a personal, handwritten remark: "I would switch now...". This is the tenor of the mailing, which consists of an initial mailing with copy/note and info flyer, plus a reminder letter.

Responsible at Sunrise: Daniela Belaid (Manager Direct Communication Residential Customers), Annette Brauer (Senior MarCom Manager Direct Communication), Thomas Cicconi (Director Base Marketing Residential Customers), Attila Ilman (Senior Manager Customer Base Sales). Responsible at Comqed Dialog: Bettina Dührkoop (Strategy), Tomas Rozas (Creative Direction), Philipp Stamm (Art Direction), Corinne Räber (DTP), Roman Steinacher (Consulting).


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