The Swiss brand king comes from India

The Handelszeitung has analyzed the applications in the trademark register. The surprising result: the Swiss "trademark king" comes from India.

Der Schweizer Markenkönig

No fewer than 286 trademark registrations by Sandeep Mahotra were published in the trademark register in 2019. This is more than Novartis (251) and significantly more than the Migros Group (110).

Mohotra is Indian and has registered more new brands in the last five years than any other company. The reason: India has a rapidly growing middle and upper class that spends a lot of money on their wedding celebrations. Mohotra wants to tap into this market with the Swiss luxury industry - it has not been successful in India so far. He is therefore looking for a partner in the watch industry. As a former top banker in Switzerland, he has numerous contacts.

Sandeep Malhotra is also primarily concerned with safeguarding the environment of his brands in order to prevent imitations. He has now broadly covered the bridal market, he says to the Handelszeitung - Nobody can get past him anymore.

Similar to India, Malhotra also wants to tackle the Chinese market and has already registered numerous brands for this market.

According to Handelszeitung the foreign focus in the commercial register is not uncommon. Only ten of the hundred top-ranked companies have a domestic focus. The rest are foreign companies or Swiss companies with a foreign focus that also want to protect their rights in Switzerland.

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