Algorithms have more power than politicians

DATA MANAGEMENT On November 11, 2014, the second Havas Trend Forum took place at the Folium. This time it was about digital data today and in the future. Marc Elsberg presented his new book and talked about a world where data is seen as currency. Beforehand, Peter Rehnke, Managing Director Havas Digital, showed the [...]

Marc Elsberg introduces his new book and talks about a world where data is seen as currency. Beforehand, Peter Rehnke, Managing Director Havas Digital, showed the current possibilities of digital marketing: Cookies and canvas fingerprints are just substitute drugs with a short half-life - even if they "support" each other, he said. New technologies such as Facebook's "Atlas," iBeacons, ultrasonic transmitters and NFC would make it possible to track and influence the entire customer journey.Bestselling author Marc Elsberg then read exclusively from his latest novel "Zero - They Know What You're Doing" and presented his view of the smart data world in a half-hour talk. His core thesis: whoever has power over algorithms has more power than politicians themselves. "Who decides whether a self-driving car should drive an SUV or a small car if it only has these two choices? "This was followed by a lively panel discussion with Matthias Ackeret as moderator. In addition to Marc Elsberg and Peter Rehnke, two other panelists were able to point out further aspects of the topic of digital data: Nathalie Glaus (lawyer) explained the current legal status of digital data and Michel Lazecki (CEO adwebster) stated that within the next two years the possibilities of predictive targeting and thus the ability to predict consumer behavior with high probability will become much more precise. The interesting topic led to very lively discussions at the subsequent aperitif, with the guests making lively use of the opportunity to ask the experts further questions.

Algorithms have more power than politicians

On November 11, 2014, the second Havas Trend Forum took place. This time, the focus was on digital data today and in the future, which aroused interest: Frank Bodin was able to welcome over 120 guests from the marketing and Internet industry.

Peter Rehnke, Marc Elsberg and Frank Bodin

Beforehand, in the Folium (Sihlcity), Peter Rehnke, Managing Director Havas Digital, showed the current possibilities of digital marketing: Cookies and canvas fingerprints are only substitute drugs with a short half-life - even if they "support" each other, he said. New technologies such as Facebook's "Atlas", iBeacons, ultrasonic transmitters and NFC would enable tracking and influencing of the entire customer journey.

Marc Elsberg

The bestselling author Marc Elsberg then read exclusively from his latest novel "Zero - They Know What You're Doing" and presented his view of the smart data world in a half-hour talk. His core thesis: whoever has power over algorithms has more power than politicians themselves. "With a self-driving car, who decides whether it should go into an SUV or a compact car when it only has those two choices?"


This was followed by a lively panel discussion with Matthias Ackeret as moderator. In addition to Marc Elsberg and Peter Rehnke, two other panelists were able to point out further aspects of the topic of digital data: Nathalie Glaus (lawyer) explained the current legal status of digital data and Michel Lazecki (CEO Adwebster) stated that within the next 2 years the possibilities of predictive targeting and thus the ability to predict consumer behavior with high probability will become much more precise. The largest Swiss ad network is working intensively on this.


The topic led to lively discussions at the subsequent aperitif, with guests making lively use of the opportunity to ask the experts further questions.

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