Sauerkraut Air

In the mind of this English soccer fan, flying with a German airline is pure horror. But it's not quite that bad - as a Lufthansa commercial shows.


Since England and Germany no longer fight wars against each other, today's sporting enmity is confined to the soccer pitch. The emotionally charged duels were particularly exciting when the two archrivals still met on equal terms. That was a while ago - but the emotions remain. For example, the English soccer fan in the commercial by German agency Kolle Rebbe is visibly dreading the prospect of being rebooked on a Lufthansa flight. In his mind, there's not only beer, sausage and loud brass band music on the German plane - the most beautiful German victories against England in penalty shootouts are also shown on the on-board TV. He is wrong. Except for the beer. But even the airline of the four-time current champions can't change the fact that England hasn't won the World Cup since 1966. For all its hospitality. (hae)

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