Whimsical launch for the new Friday (Air-)Bag

For the latest product "F707 Stratos", Freitag is now giving discarded airbags a second life. For the launch, the Zweihund crew came up with an extremely bizarre video.

SkurrilerAn airbag in the wrong place at the wrong time. Intentionally embedded in incoherent moments and absurd situations, deliberately far away from the Friday universe. The story is stretched like an arc to the end, until the discarded airbag finally finds its new calling. The fascinatingly bizarre video is underpinned with sounds by Tschong-Gil Kummert and special effects by Simple Mechanik.

Concept, Production & Cast: Two-dog. Special Effects: Simple mechanics. MusiC: TeGeKa Airbag by Tschong-Gil Kummert.

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