Tollkirsch makes cardboard look good for Disposal Services Winterthur

The amount of cardboard waste increased sharply during the Corona pandemic. This poses new challenges for the waste disposal services of the city of Winterthur. An information campaign was developed with the local agency Tollkirsch to motivate the population to help.

Since the first lockdown in March 2020, online orders and thus also the amount of cardboard to be disposed of have experienced a rapid increase. Efficient cardboard disposal is thus becoming increasingly relevant, with the question of what belongs in the collection and what does not being just as important as correct provision. To ensure that the City of Winterthur's message is not understood as a lecture, Tollkirsch focuses attention on the different types of disposal, which have been visualized as lovable cardboard figures and lend the campaign plenty of sympathy.

Disposal types with Jö effect

The campaign's three disposal types correspond to the three ways in which used cardboard should be made available for collection: tied up as a bundle, packed in an open cardboard box, or folded and stowed in a cardboard garbage can.

The three cardboard figures were carefully handcrafted at Tollkirsch, where they were staged and photographed for the campaign visual. For use on social media, the Winterthur agency also created an animated version of the subject and brought the figures to life using stop-motion techniques.

Do not leave in the rain

As part of the campaign launch at the end of February 2021, more than 60,000 households in the city of Winterthur received an information flyer on paper in cardboard look to match the campaign. In addition, the city of Winterthur informs about the campaign on its communication channels and provides an insight into the work of the loaders during the cardboard collection in a video.

Incorrectly deposited cardboard waste will not be taken away by the Winterthur waste disposal service and will be marked with a notice. On this conspicuously bright sticker, too, the disposal types with their big round eyes with the charming saying "Don't leave us out in the rain" ask for understanding and assistance.

Responsible at Entsorgung Winterthur: Simon Amann, waste management consultant at the City of Winterthur. Responsible at Tollkirsch: Gabriela Martinelli (concept/design), Marianne Graf (consulting/project management).

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