Equipe and TIR target millenials with "Petflix

With the animal film platform Petflix, Equipe raises awareness and sympathy for the organization Tier im Recht (TIR) and uses digital channels for an innovative donation concept.


Based on a well-known and equally popular video streaming provider, the Zurich agency Equipe für Tier im Recht developed the animal film platform Petflix.

For a donation of 15 francs, users get access to a collection of animal videos that have been edited by Equipe in the best blockbuster style. Each video references a different classic from film history. The title, music and cover were selected and designed individually for each clip. In addition to the appropriate film cover and content description, each video also provides information about animal welfare.


"The videos are primarily intended to entertain," says Claude Eberhard, Executive Creative Director at Equipe, to Advertising Week. "At the same time, however, it was important to us that donors are also informed about abuses in animal law. We achieve this with short background information that matches the respective video."

The platform comprises a total of 16 videos, all of which have been available since the start of the campaign on June 14. The films are "a mix of viral hits and hidden treasures from the depths of the World Wide Web", says Eberhard. To this end, the company has primarily used international licensors for viral videos.

New territory in the donation market

With a high entertainment value, a quick and easy donation process via SMS and low donation amounts, the campaign focuses primarily on millennials. Why? "The annual donation letter with a bank transfer slip is actually no longer in keeping with the times," Eberhard is convinced. "Nevertheless, we are breaking new ground in the donation market with our digital approach. It makes sense to address a target group that is very familiar with digital media." Millennials are also extremely committed when it comes to social issues such as justice and sustainability, says the ECD. "And last but not least, they are already earning their own money, which they are happy to spend on a good cause."


The millennial-friendly application of Petflix primarily via social media, supplemented by publicity reports and image/text ads. The option of sharing the Petflix trailer with friends via social media is intended to ensure additional organic distribution among the target group.


Share of digital donations growing rapidly

Gieri Bolliger, Managing Director at Tier im Recht, is convinced that entering new donation territory makes sense: "Digitalization is also influencing the donation market. Digital donations only account for around three percent of the total volume in this country. However, annual growth of 30 to 40 percent clearly shows that this form of donation will become increasingly important in the coming years. With this innovative content format, we want to try out new ways of fundraising and make ourselves fit for the future."

Tier im Recht has been campaigning for strong legal animal protection since 1996. The foundation campaigns for the improvement of deficiencies in animal welfare legislation, but in particular also strives for the consistent enforcement of existing provisions.

The Petflix campaign runs for six weeks. And then? "If it is well received by users, we can definitely imagine a new edition with more movies, even if this is not planned at the moment," says Claude Eberhard. (hae)



Responsible at TIR: Gieri Bolliger (Managing Director), Christine Künzli (Deputy Managing Director), Michelle Richner (Legal Assistant), Liana Bressan (Marketing & Fundraising). Responsible agency: Equipe.

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