Local.ch and Mykompass enter into partnership

Local.ch has entered into a partnership with Mykompass to meet the needs of companies that rely on digital advertising but do not have the necessary human resources in-house.

Against the backdrop of increasingly intense competition, effective advertising measures are becoming ever more important for companies, especially SMEs. At the same time, the variety of advertising options in the digital world is almost impossible for many companies to keep track of.

In order to consistently pursue the strategy of the independent advertising consultant, Local.ch has decided to enter into a partnership with Mykompass. Mykompass is a young, successful company with experienced management and complete solutions for the individual, platform-independent optimization of online and offline advertising measures for Swiss SMEs, including search engine marketing packages, Google Adwords, Google BusinessView, stickers, billboards, flyers and posters. According to the press release, the partnership between the two companies will enable even more comprehensive coverage of the advertising needs of Swiss SMEs. Local.ch and Mykompass will continue to operate independently of each other on the market.

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