Wunderman: Perfumes have long legs

The Wunderman agency communicates the relocation of the Marionnaud branch at Zurich Airport with a campaign.

The Marionnaud branch at Zurich Airport has moved to a larger store just across the street from its current location. To spread the news in the store's catchment area, Wunderman Zurich has created a small relocation campaign centered around a visual that illustrates the move in very concrete terms.

Extended by a pair of legs, the perfumes walk from one location to the next on the advertising media. The walking perfumes were used in all the advertising materials. They were also used on the construction wall, which protected the new store from prying eyes until the opening.

Responsible at Marionnaud: Vanesa Baleiron (Marketing Manager), Martina Müller (Sponsoring & Cooperations Manager), Christian Aeberli (POS Manager), Rätia Laeri (CRM Manager). Vresponsible at Wunderman (Member of Y&R Group Switzerland): Daniel Bieri (CD), Sonja Gross (AD), Florian Tillmann (text), Elias Zurbuchen (DTP), Rebecca Haug, Sonja Bernardi (consulting).


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