Compendio: Book "Marketing Concept" new with poster

Compendio publishes a new edition of the book "Marketing Concept". It includes a poster containing the main illustrations from the book.

After numerous positive responses to the first poster in the book "Marketing", Compendio is also launching its own poster for the new edition of the book "Marketing Concept", according to a statement on Tuesday. Provided with the most important diagrams from the book it is to provide in particular to students a fast overview of the topic and help as visual means with the examination preparation.

The book is part of a whole series of marketing books. The ten titles in the Marketing series are devoted to different topics such as market research, sales planning, integrated communication, distribution or accounting for marketing and sales professionals. In addition, there are three volumes with basic knowledge for the Markom admission examination, three specialist books produced in cooperation with the Institute for Marketing at the University of St. Gallen, and other teaching aids for various educational courses in which marketing is taught.


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