Swisscom: refreshed, die Online-Plattform von Swisscom für alle Schneefans, hat sich zu einer grossen Schnee-Community entwickelt. Zusammen mit Unic (technische Realisation) und Moving Brands (Konzept & Design) hat Swisscom die Plattform nun überarbeitet.

The new shows itself in a refreshed design, with simplified navigation and improved search for ski resorts. The focus is on the users and their contributions. They can post blogs, pictures and videos online and rate each other's postings. In addition, each season "Snowscouts" are elected, who receive a free season subscription and in return blog first-hand about their favorite ski resort. Each week, the most popular user posts are awarded a "Hero Badge" and then appear prominently. Users can also collect badges from ski resorts and publish them on their profile. This makes it possible to see at a glance where they have been.

Swisscom uses the community as an element of corporate communications. With, the company wants to express its solidarity with Switzerland and show its pleasure in snow sports, it says in a statement. Swisscom has also supported Swiss-Ski as a main sponsor since 2002.

Network of slopes for snow lovers


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