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Markus Marchel, a chef and publishing professional, markets a tasty mix of advertising options.

Markus Marchel, a chef and publishing specialist, markets a tasty mix of advertising options.Anyone taking a cab to the airport for a flight to the world with Swiss will in future come into contact with two new products from "marchel". With his newly founded company in Windisch, Markus Marchel exclusively markets national advertising on cabs. And the radio spots on the in-flight channels of Swiss, introduced in January, can also be booked exclusively with him. "I had to come up with something and was looking for promising products," Markus Marchel comments on his professional situation when his supposed dream job at the Hotelier Verein vanished into thin air after only a few months last summer.
The trained chef and then advertising manager at the Beobachter found it "an ideal constellation" when the Hotelier Verein offered him top responsibility as sales manager for all print products from Hotel Revue to Café Bistro. Unfortunately, the media specialist quickly discovered that these publications had been in the red for years. So it was "a logical decision of the association" that these titles were discontinued.
Of course, in this unexpected situation, the passionate cook thought about opening his own pub. But that would not have been a sensible solution for his wife and three daughters.
Not only more family-friendly, but also economically more promising seemed to the publishing man the foundation of the sole proprietorship "marchel". Since January, he has been operating from this address in a beautiful Windisch villa with a park. René Schärli's TWS Taxi Werbung Schweiz is located in the same building. No coincidence, because TWS is the most important new client of "marchel". As a sales partner with exclusive rights for national customers, Markus Marchel wants to play a significant role in the development of this new advertising opportunity. Locally, this type of advertising has existed for some time. What is new with TWS is that all available Swiss cabs can be booked via a central location.
For its second exclusive medium, Swiss Radio, Marchel has entered into a distribution partnership with Harry Müller's Radio Factory. In addition to in-flight programming on Swiss medium- and long-haul flights, the company also produces contributions for Radio Tropic - the third medium for which "marchel" acquires advertising as a distribution partner. marchel" also has more than just a finger in the pie at Gastro Facts. On the on-line portal of the catering trade at present 650 companies offer their B2B advertisement. In May, a print edition will be launched as a handy C5 guide, in cooperation with Salz & Technik and the industry exhibition IGEHO of Messe Basel. And as if there weren't enough a la carte menus simmering, Marchel plans to help organize the first "Best of Swiss Gastro" award at Zurich's Music Hall in September.
He can only manage all these tasks because he has built up a multi-layered network of relationships over the course of his career. The first station in his almost 20-year career was Diners Club magazine at Ringier. Together with Michi Frank, he later managed the agencies for Tages-Anzeiger and SonntagsZeitung. After a brief move to Cash, Marchel returned to Tamedia "alone with Kurt Zimmermann and without zero or maquette" to sell the first ads for Facts. "Many of my contacts were assistants back then and now work in management positions," Marchel reveals.
Incidentally, the famous "Marchel Barbecue," a popular event for advertisers for 14 seasons and first cancelled in 2003, is set to rise like a phoenix from the barbecue ash this summer.
"I was looking for promising products": Young entrepreneur Markus Marchel.
Andreas Panzeri

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