Uwe Schlupp

Jury president of the overall campaigns category

Jury President of the Overall Campaigns categoryWhat is so groundbreaking about the campaign for tour operator Kuoni that it has been awarded a Gold Cube? Vacations where you forget everything are exactly what you want from a vacation. The implementation, which is always surprising, is exactly what you want from good advertising.
How would you rate the standard in your category after looking at all the work submitted?
Schlupp: The overall campaign category was probably one of the few in which we would have liked to have awarded one more prize. For me, the two winners, Kuoni (gold) and ZVV (silver), are the campaigns of the year. The standard of editorials and book design was very different. We would have preferred to award less bronze and more silver. It was not enough for a gold cube here.
What is the general quality of this advertising year?
Schlupp: The quality of the work is as good as usual, but it has partly shifted from the large, highly visible budgets to the smaller clients.
Which works do you think could have a chance in Cannes?
Schlupp: Certainly more the simple, visually strong campaigns like our gold winners this year for ads and films. The Kuoni campaign will
The films are more difficult because, isolated from their surroundings and topicality, they need to be explained and translated. But one of the films has
already made it last year in Cannes.
What did you pay particular attention to during the evaluation?
Schlupp: As always, the idea. For the overall campaigns, the viability of the idea.
The ADC is 25 years old: is that why you are setting the bar even higher than usual?
Schlupp: On the contrary. The new judging model allowed for more bronze prizes than usual. However, no more anniversary gifts were handed out in my jury groups for silver and gold.

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