Immo Hütte appointed Director Marketing at FinanceScout24

SMG Swiss Marketplace Group strengthens its marketing leadership team and appoints Immo Hütte as Director Marketing of the "Finance and Insurance" division, which includes FinanceScout24. In this function, he is to further expand the portal's awareness, relevance and success.

Director Marketing
(Image: zVg.)

In his new role, Immo Hütte is part of the FinanceScout24 management team and is tasked with driving the Marketing division forward. In addition, he ensures the coordination of marketing activities with the other SMG divisions - Real Estate, Automotive and General Marketplaces.

Prior to his appointment as Director Marketing, Immo Hütte was already Head of Marketing at FinanceScout24. In previous positions, he was involved with Tradedoubler, Adello and Sunrise Communications. "Immo Hütte has already achieved significant successes in the past two years as Head of Marketing, particularly in data-based marketing, brand development and performance, and has thus contributed significantly to the success of the FinanceScout24 brand," Daniel Bodmer, Managing Director of FinanceScout24, was quoted as saying in a statement.

In addition to Managing Director Daniel Bodmer and Immo Hütte, Director Marketing, the FinanceScout24 leadership team also includes Muzaffer Dogru, Director Product, and Jochen Pernegger, Commercial Director.

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