Every third person uses Swiss online media every day

In the second half of 2023, Swiss online media reached over 2.7 million people per day and therefore a third of the Swiss resident population aged 3 and over. Over an average month, this reach increases to 58%. This is shown by the online audience data collected by Mediapulse.

(Graphic: Mediapulse)

The online research for which Mediapulse is responsible surveys the use of Swiss online media on the basis of a continuous measurement system and thus forms the basis for comparability among the participating websites and apps. Twice a year, Mediapulse summarizes the online research data and publishes it in a semi-annual report.

In the past semester, this research recorded the use of 100 web offerings with a total of 238 websites and apps. Cumulatively, these offerings reach 2.7 million people every day, which corresponds to a daily reach of just under 33% of the population aged 3 and over. Over the course of an average week, the number of users rises to just under 4 million and to 4.8 million per month.

The usage data of the recorded offers can be broken down and compared according to various aspects with the help of online audience data. With a monthly reach of 58.4%, men show a slightly higher affinity for the measured offers than women (57.5%). In the 50 to 59 age group, the monthly reach of 71% is significantly higher than in the 15 to 29 age group (50%).

The number of users is stable across the different days of the week. When looking at the average course of the day, it can be observed that online media are present throughout the day, with clear peaks in usage in the early morning at 7 a.m., at midday and in the evening at 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Looking at the last six months on a daily basis, the highest daily values correspond to the late heatwave at the end of August with values of over 3 million users on August 23 and 24, as well as the two political events, the National Council election on October 22 and the Federal Council election on December 13, each with 2.9 million users per day, who spent around 27 and 28 minutes respectively on the respective platforms.

The Mediapulse Online Research records the personal use of the online offerings (websites and apps) participating in the research with the help of a hybrid measurement system, in which the access figures from a traffic measurement are combined with the user data from a standing household panel. The usage of the resident population aged 3 and over is recorded across all end devices (PC, tablet, smartphone) and regardless of the respective usage location (in- and out-of-home). The continuously recorded usage data is published monthly in corresponding market tools and summarized twice a year in the form of a semi-annual report.

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