Radio studio decision: No return to business as usual

Following the decision by the SRG Board of Directors to relocate the Berne radio studio to Zurich, the SRG Berne Fribourg Valais Board does not want to go back to business as usual. At its meeting yesterday, it decided to question the cooperation of the regional cooperative with SRG Deutschschweiz (SRG.D) and to examine scenarios for a realignment.


The Board of SRG Berne Fribourg Valais has, true to the statutes and legitimized by a resolution adopted by the General Assembly without a dissenting vote, both in the SRG bodies as well as in public and in the media resolutely committed against a relocation of the radio studio to Zurich. The decision of the SRG Board of Directors against the radio studio in Berne is therefore for the Board also a decision against the SRG Berne Fribourg Valais, as the latter states today in a statement.

Against this background, there is no going back to the agenda for the Board. Rather, it believes that SRG Bern Fribourg Valais must now ask itself what consequences the regional cooperative must draw from the decision of the SRG Board of Directors. The board is convinced that it owes this to the cooperative members who supported it in its commitment against the radio studio move.

Check scenarios

The Board has therefore decided to draw up an analysis and various scenarios on the question of how the future of the regional cooperative could be shaped and in which direction a possible realignment could go. The scenarios should cover the entire spectrum: from the continuation of membership in SRG.D according to the previous model, to a semi-autonomous cooperation in the SRG bodies, to the suspension of membership or withdrawal from SRG.D. For the preparation of a corresponding report, for any legal clarifications and for the development of the scenarios, the board has allocated financial resources - with a roof of 10,000 francs.

According to the resolution, the report and the scenarios should be available by spring at the latest. Based on this, the board of SRG Bern Fribourg Valais will decide on the next steps. If the board decides in favor of a realignment of the regional cooperative, it will present it to the general assembly for discussion and resolution in the form of a motion. In any case, the members of the cooperative have the final say.

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