"SRG frontal attack on SMEs": CMF protests against new Admeira subsidiary

The association of Swiss content marketing agencies (Content Marketing Forum Switzerland) considers it "highly problematic" that the advertising marketing company Admeira, in which SRG holds a stake, is appearing on the market with its own content agency.


Recently, Admeira announced that the joint venture plans to enter the content marketing, native advertising and storytelling market anew with a subsidiary called Adtelier (Werbewoche.ch reported).

In Switzerland, these services are offered by several hundred private companies, the vast majority of which are typical SMEs with 2-50 employees. The market is dynamic and growing, writes the Content Marketing Forum Switzerland (CMF) in a statement. Swiss agencies stand out as extremely innovative and agile, even in international comparison. There is tough but fair competition among the agencies.

"Heavyweight with state support"

The entry of Adtelier/Admeira into this market will create a new heavyweight that wants to and will substantially compete with the existing agencies, predicts the association of content marketing agencies. New competitors with strong market power are painful from an entrepreneurial point of view - but the fact that this is happening with state support in the present case is seen as highly problematic, criticizes the CMF.

"Our criticism is directed at SRG, which has a significant stake in Admeira and thus in Adtelier. We are firmly of the opinion that it is neither in line with the SRG's performance mandate or the principle of subsidiarity, nor is it in the interests of politics and the population that a well-functioning industry characterized by SMEs is attacked head-on, competed with and thus existentially weakened. The fact that this is being done with our fee money is particularly shocking," the letter continues.

Letter to President Doris Leuthard

In a letter to Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard and Bakom, the CMF has lodged its protest. Through the letter, the CMF hopes to receive a clear statement from the responsible authorities on the problems raised. (hae)

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