HSLU team wins Junior Agency Award 2023

The students of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts win the Junior Agency Award again. This year's team impressed with its communication concept for Swisscom's football sponsorship commitment. It prevailed against 16 teams from three universities.

A total of more than 80 students took part in this year's Junior Agency Award and presented their communication concepts in the university's internal preliminary round at the end of May. The students received active support in the conception and development of their ideas from representatives of LSA agencies.

At Tuesday evening's Junior Agency Award Night at Six ConventionPoint in Zurich, the finalists' campaigns were presented to and chosen by the top-class jury of experts.

The team from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) in the Online Business & Marketing major, which was coached by Bühler & Bühler, prevailed over its fellow competitors from the other universities of applied sciences and convinced the jury with its creativity and well thought-out campaign implementation. The audience prize, which was awarded by the spectators present, went to the team from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW, which was supported by BCW.

Daniel Fisler, Communication Lead Football Sponsorship at Swisscom, was enthusiastic about the presentations: "The teams showed impressive market knowledge and extensive target group research. All presentations were on a very high level and knew how to surprise."

Networking of universities into practice

The Junior Agency Award aims to promote the practical relevance of courses such as business administration, marketing or digital business management. Dealing with the case study promotes the practical application of theoretical knowledge, increases teamwork skills and offers the opportunity to give presentations in front of a large audience as well as to establish contacts with potential employers. At the same time, the award serves the participating LSA agencies to recruit young talent and the universities to increase the attractiveness of their training programs.

The Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts HSLU and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences and Arts participated.

Sciences ZHAW. Support was provided by the agencies BCW Global, Bühler & Bühler, Contcept Communication, Die Botschafter, Feinheit Zürich, In Flagranti, Jung von Matt Limmat, Kargo, Mediaschneider, Phd, Polyconsult, Publicis Zürich, Serviceplan, TBWA, Webrepublic, and Wunderman Thompson.

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