Consumer protection reports helicopter providers for greenwashing

The Foundation for Consumer Protection has filed a criminal complaint against the helicopter flight provider Elite Flights. The provider is in breach of the Federal Act against Unfair Competition by advertising helicopter flights as "environmentally friendly".

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Consumer Protection has been taking consistent action against greenwashing since the summer of 2023, the foundation announced on Thursday. Following the complaints against eight euphemistic environmental advertising messages that were approved by the Fairness Commission at the time, six companies have adapted or deleted their advertising.

Telecoms provider Swisscom, on the other hand, is playing for time according to the consumer protection organization. And Elite Flights has shown itself to be "unreasonable" according to the information provided. Although the company no longer advertises its helicopter flights as "climate-neutral", it is now advertising them as "environmentally friendly".

Misleading advertising

Consumer protection criticizes that the company is ignoring the recommendation of the Commission on Fair Trading and has filed a criminal complaint. The foundation is of the opinion that "environmentally friendly" is also misleading when advertising helicopter flights.

Elite Flights offers sightseeing flights with landings at wineries, sightseeing flights with glacier landings, "excursions abroad" and business flights, among other things. The flights are certified CO2-neutral, according to the company's website. Elite Flights did not respond to a request for comment from the Keystone-SDA news agency by midday on Thursday.

New reporting platform

As Consumer Protection also announced, it is setting up a reporting platform for greenwashing. This was prompted by numerous complaints from the public about often misleading advertising messages. Consumer Protection is reviewing the reports and following them up.

However, the problem is of a fundamental nature, the foundation wrote. In Switzerland, there is no regulation for environmental advertising. Only legal requirements for advertising messages in connection with climate neutrality, environmental friendliness and sustainability can ensure that consumers are not misled, the consumer protection organization stated. The EU is further ahead in this respect: if there is no proof of environmental claims, they are prohibited. (SDA/swi)

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