KSP awards dream job for Thomy Switzerland

To provide information about Thomy Bio-Suisse Mayo with Swiss free-range eggs, KSP produced two videos as part of the PLANEThomy sustainability platform.

A simple idea was used for this: Mrs. Eggli, the laying hen, applies to Lukas Debrunner, the organic farmer in Mettendorf TG. This gives him the opportunity to tell everything about the working conditions at an organic egg producer. From the husbandry to the food to the jobs. In French-speaking Switzerland, the same story was realized with Madame Villenœuf and the farmer Stéphanie Moret in Vuisternens-Devant-Roman FR.

The films are available on the Thomy website in the latest PLANEThomy story embedded. To promote the application, a trailer was created for social media with the question, "Will Ms. Eggli get the job?"

Responsible at Nestlé Suisse: Jeanne DuPasquier (Communication & eBusiness Manager Thomy), Tobias von Rohr (Head of Marketing Food Switzerland). Responsible at KSP: Stephanie Waldvogel (concept, direction, camera, editing), Marie Auer (graphics, editing), Wolfram Scherer (concept, text), Uwe Schlupp (creative direction), Claudia Imholz, Patrick Plüss (consulting).

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