Spina's Civil Voices sets the stage for Misereor

Misereor launches a fundamentally positive commercial. It extends the multi-year campaign "With People" into the moving image. The agency responsible is Spina's Civil Voices.

We can change the world for the better. But no one can do it alone. If we stand side by side, support, strengthen and complement each other, we make it possible - with people. Misereor's new campaign spot puts this positive core message in the spotlight.

The focus is on people from five continents. Among them are partners from Misereor projects such as the Amazon environmental activist Patricia Gualinga from Ecuador, Misereor employees and prominent supporters: TV presenter Carolin Reiber, singer Max Mutzke and Youtube doctor Dr. Flojo.

Groundbreaking for a development cooperation organization: The footage was captured ethically, fairly and at eye level with the local people by local video makers. Misereor Germany is one of the largest Catholic development organizations in the world. With the spot on TV and online, the new claim "together globally just" and the new CI/CD of Misereor go on air, developed in cooperation with Spina's Civil Voices.

Responsible at Misereor: Beate Schneiderwind (overall management), Karina Kirch (marketing management), Anja Hammers (advertising management). Responsible at Spina's Civil Voices: Steph Huwiler (CD), Beat Egger (concept, text), Nicolas Stark (art direction). Film production: Al-Amin Mutunga, Helder Tavares, Rajeebhavan Sribhavan, Alecs Ongcal (all via Fairpicture), Kathrin Harms, K M Asad (via ichTV), Tom Malecha (Films by Draussen).

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