TBS for Neugass Cinema: With Culture against Netflix and Chill

Two go to the movies and only one pays. The Neugass cinemas want to get more young people in front of the screen and have realized a campaign with TBS.

Theaters have faced massive competition from streaming providers - especially among young audiences. Cinema still has its fans, but there are fewer and fewer of them. Often, there simply isn't enough money, and streaming is almost free. So there needs to be some kind of promotion for young film enthusiasts. That's exactly why the Neugass cinemas have launched the action "Bring a Friend" launched. Exclusively for their cinemas Riffraff, Houdini and Bourbaki and exclusively for everyone between 12 and 22 years. The offer: two tickets for the price of one, for 8 francs. The offer is only valid for two.

Double pack offer

A survey of the target group revealed three things: 1. the offer is super. 2. it is still completely unknown. 3. cultural cinemas are not considered very entertaining. The TBS campaign now aims to dispel these prejudices. "Bring a Friend" is only available in a double pack, which the agency also implemented figuratively - with the 2-for-1 bundle offer, as known from sausages and toothpaste.

The campaign is fully focused on social media and is played out on Instagram and Tiktok. Several mini spots and subjects show "strange" cinema situations in a double pack. The subjects will also be placed on local bus and streetcar routes. In the cinemas, the posters are placed prominently and the videos are used as moving images. The landing page explains the offer to the curious and encourages them to take out the "Bring a Friend" subscription directly online. Everything was conceived, designed, photographed, filmed, post-edited, produced and edited in-house at TBS. The survey and the cast came directly from Neugass Kino.

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