Content and form sets up carrots for donkey help Switzerland

With a giant carrot and 18,000 real carrots, Donkey Aid Switzerland, together with Content and Form, is calling for donations for donkeys in need. All you need is a smartphone and Twint.

Inhalt und Form

The Huber family has made it her life's work to track down abused donkeys and give them a healthy life in dignity on her farm in Feldbach.

But that costs money. That's why Inhalt und Form went looking for ideas and, together with Eselhilfe Schweiz and with the kind support of APG and Twint, created an unusual poster that calls for donations in a simple way.

On Thursday, the Day of the Donkey, large carrot samplings including flyers and Twint codes were held at the main train stations in St. Gallen, Lucerne and Zurich. 18,000 carrots and 5,000 apples were distributed.

In addition to a headline, the poster in the shape of a carrot is also equipped with a Twint QR code. Passers-by can thus easily donate in passing and thus do something good. The work is already on display.

Inhalt und Form

Responsible at Stiftung Eselhilfe Schweiz: Hanni Huber, Viktor Huber, Andrea Huber, Frank Maier. Responsible for content and form: Karin Estermann (Executive Creative Director); Caroline Minar (Graphics); Yannick Lippuner (Text/Concept).

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