Wunderman Thompson and PostFinance help young people get their own account

To promote PostFinance's youth and education account, Wunderman Thompson created a campaign to help young people convince their parents of the benefits of having their own account.


There were several heterogeneous target groups to consider in communication: Young people, their parents, and young adults in training. Each of these was to be addressed with an individual message and in the appropriate environment. Just as the young people were given arguments for their parents, parents were also given suggestions on how to convince their child to have their own account.

The result is a unified campaign that simultaneously conveys different messages to different target groups. Clever instrumentation in combination with retargeting ensured that the right users were reached at the right place and thus convinced of the benefits of the respective product. Visually, the communication is based on other PostFinance campaigns, but retains an independent look.


Target group specific distribution

Various mechanisms ensured that one target group did not see arguments intended for another target group. For example, the moving image conversion adapts to the attention span of the respective target group generation in terms of tempo, length, music and message.

The campaign can be seen since the beginning of August on OOH, DOOH, in cinemas, on online and social media video ads, display ads and post sites.


Responsible at PostFinance: Marco Serratore, Ladina von Allmen (concept, realization); Rose Portmann (social media); Amanda Bickel (retail marketing). Responsible at Wunderman Thompson: Swen Morath (Chief Creative Officer); Kevin Zysset (Art Director); Winfried Schneider (Senior Copywriter/Concept Designer); Kathrina Seiler (DTP); An Le (DTP); Marlon Perini (Programming); Romaine Brunner (Senior Account Manager). Motion Design: Robert Rauchfuss, Beni von Alemann. Media: Havas Media (offline media); Webrepublic (online media).

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