Wirz Activation gives animals from Vier Pfoten a voice

The international animal welfare organization Vier Pfoten has also been active in Switzerland for 20 years. This is being celebrated with an anniversary campaign, among other things. Wirz Activation had won the task in a pitch.


Following the "Positive Campaigning" idea of the organization, the campaign subjects focus on the turn for the better. They tell stories of rescued lionesses, street dogs or pigs, which are representative for the many pets, wild and farm animals whose fate Vier Pfoten has taken care of in the last 20 years.

The motifs open the true stories, while the background and rescue measures can be found on the anniversary landing page of Vier Pfoten: Four-paws.ch/20-years. The organization is celebrating its anniversary in the awareness that its animal welfare work is important and of particular significance, especially in the current situation. A major event for the public has been postponed until spring 2021 due to the current situation.

The two-wave campaign uses display ads, social media, DOOH, streetcar ads, and display ads. In September, the three existing visuals will be supplemented by two more. Thanks to the generous free space granted, the campaign will have a good reach. Mediaschneider is responsible for the media.


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