Franz&René for HES-SO Valais-Wallis: The very high school

Franz&René hat im Rahmen ihrer dritten Kampagne für die HES-SO Valais-Wallis eine Hymne mit dem Titel «How We Move Mountains» komponiert und einen Videoclip realisiert, in welchem die Studierenden gleich selbst Hand anlegen durften.

In the third campaign for the HES-SO Valais-Wallis, the agency Franz&René ties in with the students' ambition to continue to be where it is not suspected. Thus, the students have ventured into new territory without losing sight of the mountains - which are the core of the campaign.

A video clip was realized in which the students of the "quite high school" creatively create the Valais mountain landscape that surrounds the HES-SO Valais-Wallis. The clip is accompanied by "How We Move Mountains", the soundtrack composed by Chotkowski & Montalcini especially for this campaign.

Film productionSébastien Vargas (Kairos Productions). Music: Chotkowski & Montalcini (Smidernoise). Responsible at Franz&RenéValérie Pecalvel (Strategic Direction); Luciano Gerber (Client Service Direction); Vincent Eichenberger (Campaign Management); Yoann Cosson (Creative Direction); Gianluca Terzini (Art Direction).

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