With Franz&René and the new TPF night offer into the morning

Von jetzt an müssen sich die Freiburgerinnen und Freiburger keine Gedanken mehr darüber machen, wie sie sicher nach Hause kommen. Die elf neuen Linien verbinden die entlegensten Orte ab 2 Uhr morgens miteinander. Die zweisprachige Agentur Franz&René lancierte dafür eine 360°-Kampagne mit verstohlenen Momenten an einer Bushaltestelle – präsentiert mit digitalen und klassischen Massnahmen.

What should the new service be called? The agency's answer consisted of only two words, which, more accurately, are one: "nighTPF." The campaign was to be just as simple and recognizable. The photos were taken on the outskirts of Freiburg. In the glow of the neon lights of the bars and kebab stands open until late at night, passers-by immerse themselves in the nocturnal atmosphere. Posters and cinemagraphs will be present throughout the winter: OOH, DOOH, on public transport, in the press and social media, and flashing in the numerous bars throughout the canton - also thanks to the support of numerous players in Fribourg's nightlife.


Responsible at Freiburgische Verkehrsbetriebe (TPF): Nadège Delpedro (Product Marketing Manager); Julie Reuteler (Communications and PR Manager). Responsible at Franz&René: Valérie Pecalvel (Strategic Direction), Luciano Gerber (Client Service Direction), Vincent Eichenberger (Conseiller senior & digital), Yoann Cosson (Creative Direction), Gianluca Terzini (Art Director), Gaëlle Valentini (AD digital), Sven Jungo (Graphic Designer). Photography & Cinemagraphs: Sébastien Staub. LED poster: Olivier Fischer, LettraDesign.

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