High Voltage launches overall campaign for new Züger cottage cheese

The collaboration between Züger Frischkäse and the Zurich advertising agency Hochspannung continues to bear new fruit: the launch campaign for the new "cottage cheese on fruity".


The new strawberry and mango/vanilla flavors have been available in retail stores since April 2018 - since then, the corresponding campaign has also been running on a wide range of channels.

At the heart of the multi-layered advertising offensive are the two commercials that dramatize the extraordinary taste experience. The protagonists freeze for a short or long moment of enjoyment before describing the new cottage cheese with a "Mmmhh...". The spots are mainly distributed via digital media.


Under the slogan "Cottage cheese on fruity. Full new." an overall campaign was set up, which puts the products in the limelight on a wide variety of channels (digital and analog). In addition to the two online/mobile and TV spots (regional TV), a sophisticated couponing system for mobile devices was developed. Sampling campaigns on site complement individual ads and various social media measures, which are already providing a lot of feedback on the new taste worlds.

All advertising and communication measures are brought together on a dedicated campaign website.

Responsible at Züger: Claudia Kuratli. Responsible for high voltage: Alexander Taiganidis, Matthew Katumba, Leandro Disler, Fritz Kreis, Fritz Hanselmann, Nina Wyler, Manuel Ackermann, Tanja Kongolo, Hyo-Song Becker, Venesa Sadrijaj, Andras Glutz. Responsible at Dynamic Frame: Luzius Fischer, Nicole Boner, (production), Christian Schilling (direction), Tim Weskamp (DOP), Jonas Ulrich (editing).

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