Noord: New location, new employees, new projects

The Bernese agency Noord, which specializes in branding, has strengthened its team and moved into larger premises.


Nadia Jost, Katrin Ming, Dominik Schefer, Moana Bischof (l.t.r.)


For seven years, the agency has been active in the field of brand design on the square in Bern - and the demand for know-how in the areas of brand management, corporate design, editorial and web design seems to be unbrokenly high. This is because the agency has had to turn down several potential clients in the recent past, as it was not possible to expand capacities quickly enough to meet the desired quality, and the projects of existing clients already ensured full capacity utilization. A desirable problem, which nevertheless needs initiative, and on the one hand was solved with the move to a larger office at Bern station.


New office, new employees

A larger office offers room for personnel growth. No less than four new additions strengthen the Noord team. Nadia Jost joins Noord from Crafft Zurich, and Katrin Ming worked at Eclat and KJUS before deciding to join the Bern-based agency. With Moana Bischof and Dominik Schefer, two young creatives could be engaged.

The team increase has already enabled the agency to win several new business projects that are scheduled for release this fall.

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