Horizon and The Offered Hand team up

Horizon, the leading poster company in Valais, supports the association Die Dargebotene Hand with free poster space.

Saëlle Bornet, Director of the Offered Hand Valais/Tel 143 and Philippe Barman, Head of Marketing and Sales, in front of a billboard donated by Horizon.

Horizon, the leading poster company in Valais, announces in a press release its partnership with the association La Main Tendue / Die Dargebotene Hand. The association is dedicated to providing support to people who are experiencing loneliness and hardship in our society. Horizon will provide La Main Tendue / Die Dargebotene Hand with free billboard space to raise public awareness of the NGO's causes.

"We are deeply touched by the extraordinary work that Die Dargebotene Hand does to combat loneliness and provide vital support to people who depend on it."Philippe Barman, Head of Sales and Marketing at Horizon, is quoted as saying. "As a major player in communications in Valais, we have a responsibility to use our poster network to promote human values and social initiatives that make an effective difference in people's lives."

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