The current Media Price-Performance Index comes for the first time with OOH

As every year, the current Media Price/Performance Index Swiss Media of the Swiss Advertisers Association SWA and Leading Swiss Agencies LSA is published at the planning stage for the new campaigns. The index shows how prices relate to performance.


This year, the poster medium is included in the survey for the first time. Since 2017, the SWA and LSA associations have been collecting and publishing the index for media contacts, thus contributing to transparency in price development. 


Advertising Print Stable - Trend Still Towards Digital

Advertising pressure has been stable overall so far in 2019, and no major changes are on the horizon. In terms of media spendings, the trend continues to move toward digital, which is leading to a decline in many classic media. This situation has not yet led to any adjustments, at least in the gross prices of Swiss media. 


Press inflation

In print, the decline in the number of readers again led to an increase in prices in individual categories compared with the previous year: The price of the daily press rose by a whopping 7.7 percent and the regional/weekly press by 8.5 percent. The Sunday press saw an increase of 4.4 percent. Only magazines and women's magazines saw a drop in the index. Another conspicuous feature can be seen in the business press: In both target groups, the CPM values have risen again, whereas they fell sharply in the last survey. 


Extract from the price and performance index. (Source: MPLI DB Print, Mach Basic Wemf)


Declining reach for TV

TV has recently also had to contend with declining reach. Marketers have not yet reflected this in their prices. However, the index calculation is based on the stations' "planned values" and not on the results actually achieved. In the 15-59 target group, planned contact costs rose by only 0.5 percent over the previous year. In the popular 15-49 target group, on the other hand, inflation rose by 4.6 percent. Clients and agencies can only calculate the effective TV price development individually in the follow-up with corresponding success controls. 


Slight increase in the price of posters

This year, the poster medium can now be reported by means of the inflation index. The first survey shows a slight inflation of around 2 percent compared with the previous year. While prices in German-speaking Switzerland have hardly risen at all, the indices in French-speaking Switzerland and Ticino have increased by around 2 to 3 percentage points. 

In radio, new listener research was introduced at the beginning of 2018. For this reason, the index will be recalculated from scratch and not published again until next year. In the medium of cinema, the price/performance index has remained close to 100 points since 2014 and moved primarily within the language regions.

With the media mix shifts to digital, transparency in this area is also becoming increasingly important. LSA and SWA are therefore striving to be able to offer a price/performance index for digital as well in the future. 

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