RTL increases streaming subscriptions to more than four million

RTL Group has further increased the number of its streaming subscriptions and passed the four million mark. At the end of March, there were 4.31 million paying subscribers, as the listed media group announced in Luxembourg on Friday.

RTLThat was nearly 60 percent more than in March 2021, up from 3.8 million at year-end 2021.

The German streaming service RTL+ accounted for most of the TV group's streaming subscriptions in March - the number rose by almost 85 percent within a year to around 3.2 million. A strategic cooperation with Deutsche Telekom and its Magenta TV streaming unit, where RTL+ is then part of packages, helped. At the Dutch RTL streaming service Videoland, the number of subscriptions grew by 12.9 percent to around 1.1 million.

Streaming is the big growth area for RTL Group, which belongs to Bertelsmann. The group is not yet making any money from it, because it is initially investing large sums in setting it up. The aim is to be profitable by 2026. The number of subscribers should then be ten million. Sales should then amount to one billion euros. In fiscal 2021, revenues were around 220 million euros. (SDA)

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