Michael Fingerhuth becomes Head of Newspaper Printing at CH Media

Michael Fingerhuth will take over the management of CH Media's two newspaper printing plants in Aarau and St. Gallen Winkeln on January 1, 2019, replacing Urs Binkert as Head of Mittelland Newspaper Printing. Urs Binkert will take over the project management of an extensive investment program. 


Fingerhuth is 51 years old, joined NZZ Print as Head of Marketing and Sales in 2011 and has been Head of NZZ Media Services since 2018. He succeeds Urs Binkert in Aarau, who is taking partial retirement after eleven years at Mittelland Zeitungsdruck. However, he will continue to be available to CH Media on a reduced workload.

CH Media is investing substantially in newspaper printing, according to a press release. An additional production hall with a latest-generation newspaper printing press is being built in Aarau. In St. Gallen, investments are also being made in the mailroom. Urs Binkert will complete these two projects and then retire. CH Media's newspaper printing plants are thus optimally positioned for future challenges.

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