Print Shop in Adligenswil to Close Definitively - 172 Jobs Gone

No relief in the consultation process: Following the announcement that the printing plant in the Lucerne suburb of Adligenswil would be closed, the management of Ringier Print has rejected demands that redundancies be avoided. There will definitely be 172 jobs lost.


The workforce has been informed that the management rejects their demands and does not agree to the proposals, the Syndicom union announced on Wednesday. It said the consultation process had been completed. "Once again, jobs are being sacrificed to cold profitability thinking," Syndicom criticized.

Ringier had announced in early November that the newspaper printing operation would fall victim to a realignment of the parent company's printing business and would be closed at the end of 2018 ( reported). In the subsequent consultation process, the Personnel Commission and the Syndicom and Syna unions submitted proposals to prevent the cutbacks. Accordingly, they saw possibilities to continue production in Adligenswil with Ringier's own products and external orders. This would have eliminated about 40 jobs instead of 172.

The staff committee and the unions are now demanding a social plan in accordance with the CLA that is appropriate to the financial circumstances of the Ringier Group and offers those affected new career prospects.

Titles such as Blick will in future be produced at Tamedia's printing plants in Zurich, Bern and Bussigny VD. Ringier had already announced that it would offer the affected employees jobs that become available at Tamedia's printing centers in Zurich or Berne. In addition to daily newspapers, weekly, trade and association newspapers as well as advertising supplements and customer newspapers are printed in Adligenswil. According to Ringier, the printing plant will no longer be able to cover its costs in the future. Market prices have fallen. The utilization of production capacities is insufficient. (hae/SDA/pd)

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