SSM satisfied, Syndicom skeptical, Aktion Medienfreiheit criticized

Reactions to the merger of Swisscom, Ringier and SRG in advertising marketing are mixed. The Swiss Syndicate of Media Professionals welcomes the move, Syndicom is skeptical and Aktion Medienfreiheit is critical.

The Swiss Syndicate of Media Professionals SSM welcomes the Merger of Swisscom, Ringier and SRG in advertising marketing. This is a step of importance for the market economy and media policy. In terms of the market economy, the SSM writes in its reaction on Monday to the announced joint venture, there is an opportunity to stop the outflow of Swiss advertising francs abroad. This would benefit the economy and Swiss journalism. In terms of media policy, a cooperation is emerging that could also be the concept for other publishers, it continues. With SRG and the major publisher Ringier, two previously irreconcilably opposed cotractors have found each other.

Syndicom is skeptical

The Syndicom trade union sees the new advertising marketing company as a threat to media diversity. The merger could result in it becoming even more difficult for smaller Swiss media to generate advertising funds. In a statement on Monday, the union therefore demands that Ringier, SRG and Swisscom invest the advertising revenues in journalistic services. Especially with the partners of this merger, advertising money should not be an end in itself, but "must be used to strengthen the quality of journalism, to promote media diversity and media quality and to guarantee good working conditions in all media."

Media Freedom Action: "Highly Problematic"

The association Aktion Medienfreiheit criticizes the closing of ranks of SRG, Swisscom and Ringier. The participation of SRG and Swisscom is highly problematic, because these are state-dominated companies. These companies have a state mandate to fulfill, he said. "It is not acceptable for SRG and Swisscom to enter another field in which private companies are already active," the statement said. Before SRG ventures into further private fields, it needs a definition of the public service. The federal government, which is Swisscom's majority shareholder, also purchases most of its IT services from Swisscom. At the same time, it regulates the media and telecommunications market, awards licenses to the SRG and is responsible for collecting reception fees for television and radio. Aktion Medienfreiheit therefore senses general regulatory problems. There is a danger "that broadcasters who are not marketed by the new organization will have to expect poorer and more expensive access to broadcasting through Swisscom TV. President of Aktion Medienfreiheit, founded by bourgeois politicians, is SVP National Councilor Natalie Rickli. She is on the management board of Goldbach Media, the marketer of advertising space for various private TV and radio stations.

Goldbach itself also commented on the cooperation between Ringier, Swisscom and SRG in a statement, but will only comment once details are available. The construction opens up various questions in the advertising and distribution market that still need to be answered, it said only. (SDA/hae)

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