Swiss Confederation attests to SRG's economic efficiency

The Swiss Radio and Television Company (SRG) has all the important control elements in place to ensure that the money is used economically. This is the conclusion reached by the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM) in a report.

The structures and instruments as well as the implemented control and monitoring processes of the SRG are overall appropriate, Bakom announced on Friday. They are tailored to the size and structure of the company and comply with the principles generally recognized as best practice in the field.

However, Bakom also identified some areas for improvement. Among other things, it recommends that SRG have the performance of the Board of Directors assessed by independent, external consultants on a selective basis - for example, every three years.

This would allow an external view of the board of directors, which is not possible through the annual self-assessment, the report says. On the other hand, Bakom considers the composition and size of the board of directors to be appropriate.

Too many targets

Bakom considers the number of strategic goals to be too much of a good thing. The question is whether all 26 can be managed with the necessary attention, the report says. Bakom therefore recommends reducing the number to a maximum of 20.

Overall, however, the report gives SRG a good report card. SRG has a high quality of corporate governance and a clear vision, mission and strategy.

Flawless financial planning

Bakom also has nothing to complain about in financial planning. According to the report, the financial planning process and the available management tools meet the required quality criteria and are used efficiently. The internal audit department contributes to the ongoing improvement of efficiency by identifying potential savings and opportunities for process simplification.

Bakom has scrutinized SRG on behalf of the Uvek. In connection with
of the revision of the Radio and Television Act (RTVA), which is currently being debated in parliament, the Uvek considered it appropriate to subject the SRG's economic efficiency to an audit.The report published on Friday is the first of a total of three. The second report will focus on harmonized cost and performance accounting, financial reporting and real estate management. The third report will focus on purchasing and procurement of services, human resources and advertising acquisition. The
Reports to be published in 2015 and 2016. (SDA)

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